Sunday, 19 January 2014

Responding gracefully...

Bob says: Words that edify

Scripture: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Eph. 5:29)

Word of Expectation: It is likely that something will happen to you this week that you don’t like. Perhaps a decision will not be in your favor, or someone will speak unkindly to you. Maybe you will get frustrated by a lousy driver, a long delay, a computer problem, or a political development you dislike. A family member or friend may let you down. All of these are opportunities to stop and first consider your response. Rather than react with words that hurt, instead act in a way that honors Christ. That is, speak words that edify, i.e. that build others up. Choose to use words that convey grace rather than criticism. Try to make your words easy for others to joyfully receive.

Prayer: Dear Father, make me more aware of my word choice today. As I have received grace from You for my many faults, help me to give grace to everyone who comes across my path. Amen.And I note: Yes. I try to do this all the time but only manage it in the grace of God. It is more difficult to do than it seems: for me, at least, it involves swallowing the hurt etc. I need to make sure I deal with it - straight away, or later.

And I note: Yes. I try to do this all the time but only manage it in the grace of God. It is more difficult to do than it seems: for me, at least, it involves swallowing the hurt etc. I need to make sure I deal with it - straight away, or later.

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