Thursday 2 January 2014

Bad bad bad! But there IS hope!.

I have been struggling to live obediently lately. My not-so-godly attitude has caused me a lot of grief and I've found my prayer-mindedness full of complaint.

Today, I read Amy Carroll's post about motives. She is a women's leader with a wide ministry but she struggles with the same sins I do. (They are on HER blog. I'm not mentioning them here!)

She says:
As I’ve thought about how to imitate Jesus in my motives, I ask myself two questions when making choices:
• Does this put me or others first?
• Is this a choice to be more or to be nothing?
These two questions expose any twisted motives and bring me back to my chosen position of nothing. Day by day, my motives are refined. It’s a painful process sometimes, but it’s a good process that ultimately produces pure motives with divine outcomes.'
Great wisdom. And as I look at my struggles to have the right attitude in the face of various injustices where I have, on a globally-microscopic-scale, been mistreated, I find I am overwhelmingly thankful for them. 
God is using them to refine me and make me a tinsy-winsy bit more like my amazing Friend and Brother.

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