Thursday, 14 March 2013

Anne Lamott's thoughts on being a Christian

Anne Lamott has just posted words of wisdom on facebook. I'm reposting part of them here as they reflect my own thoughts:

"Some days go better than others. Like many people, I am equal proportions of narcissism and low self-esteem, so every now and then, on festive occasions, I get wrapped up in my own petty distractions, obsessions and needs. But as much as possible, I try to help take care of the poor, the aged, the hungry and scared. I get to keep starting over.

That's what being a Christian means to me. There is, in truth, very little snake-handling involved. Still, it can be quite embarrassing: When non-specific spiritual people--let's call them the Nons--hear the word "Christian," they think of public Christians. Upon hearing that you are a Believer, they instantly think of stages full of Christians on TV, waving their arms like palm fronds in a hurricane. Now, I mean no offense if you frequently appear on the stages of televangelists, fronding for the Lord. I know that is not a real word, but it should be.

When Nons hear the word "Christian," they do not instantly think Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, Oscar Romero, Abraham Lincoln or other profound and visionary heroes. They think Jerry Falwell, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, people who seem close to hysteria in their convictions. They think Jim Bakker and Ted Nugent, who asked his audience, in an editorial, whether the country would have been better off if the South had won the Civil War.
I don't want to get distracted right now by complex political controversy, but, uh: no.

Nons hear about Christians, and they see us cringing before the image of hell's flames. Yikes. If I believed in those literal flames, it would be such a stretch for me, as I am extremely sensitive and worried, with a low pain threshold. They think we fear the devil as represented by Al Pacino or Trey Parker, not as the dark energy of addiction that has destroyed our own lives, and the lives of our most beloved; the painful and deeply human craving for power and domination, both in families and in national positions, although I am not going to name names.

But what I believe, and what my moderately left--and right--wing Christian brothers and sisters believe, is that Jesus preached a gospel of radical sacrifice, of giving away everything we possibly can--our time, our money, our prayers--to the have-nots, the same old/same old suffering people of this world, widows and whole nations.

Let us go in peace then, to be people of goodness and service and sacrifice. I keep trying to do better, like most people do, but I don't have a magic wand. I am learning as I go; and boy, am I humbled by my failings. And "humbled" is always a great place to start anything, from being a better parent, writer, mate; or still, after all these years, trying to save the world."

1 comment:

  1. "Let's go in peace." I love that. It does seem that the "nons" are the ones who try to stir things up in my life. If you don't want to beleive -- then go your way and I'll continue to pray. But there's really no need to mock my faith.
