Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Catching up on reading - 'Missionary' by Christopher Marco

Still exploring free books on my recently acquired Kindle. I'm a library aficionado - a book recycler, not a book purchaser any more.  I used to be...but that's another story. So I came across a couple of great little books recently.
The first was a genuine free book. 'Missionary' by Christopher Marco.  Sounded boring, I thought, but I flicked inside (thanks, Amazon previews). I was hooked.
Not by the subject matter - been there, done that, got the T-shirt - at least, I used to have the T-shirt which proudly said 'Group 33 Tanzania' but it went the way of all T-shirts many years ago. Nor was I hooked by the geographical setting, although it was Asia, not Africa, and so Technically Different.
No, it was Christopher Marco's writing itself.  It was just so  QUIRKY. He talks about becoming a missionary - someone who 'is socially awkward, wearing clothes that look a little funny, who talks about things normal people con't care about...' And his aim in writing the book is to show human frailty and God's sovereignty.
The book is written on a month by month basis, each with a cryptic title. Leaking through every page is disarming honesty and a lack of pretentiousness, a sharing of cultural joys and mistakes and an excitement about what Jesus does when people are willing to let him mess around with their lives. I loved his eccentric descriptions and turns of phrase.
The best thing? That the story doesn't end with the end of the book. I had a real sense of excitement about what Jesus is doing through Marco's life. A God-sized adventure.
The book isn't just called 'Missionary'. Its sub-title is: Following God's Call to the Other Side of the World.
Christopher Marco - and his family - are still there.
The second book: see my next post here...

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