Church isn't just about turning up to a building on a Sunday,
singing some songs, saying a few prayers, listening to a talk and then going
home, forgetting all about 'church' until the next week.
Church is about meeting with people. Yes, after the church
service over coffee. No coffee served? Go to a coffee shop together,
invite folk home for a cup of tea...but church isn't JUST a social time. Being
'church', doing 'church''s spiritual, intentional.
Church is about getting to know people, more than just
briefly after the service. Because you can't. So church means meeting others at
other times than Sundays. Church isn't JUST a catch-up on the news - and
definitely NOT gossip. 'Church' goes deeper than what lies on the surface of
our lives.
Church is about getting to know people well, more than as
just brief acquaintances. It is about understanding others, appreciating their
lives, listening. It is about intimacy, accountability. We have found
the best way to do this is to talk about Jesus. What he said, what he did,
how he lived, what his friends said about him. So we study the Bible
together. We find out what it means. We wonder how we can apply it to our
lives. We talk with each other upon the way, as the two disciples did on the
road to Emmaus. And many other dusty Palestinian roads as well. Church is about spending time. Giving time. Helping one
another. Encouraging.
Here’s a thought: do we pay lip service to
this idea of church? Do we really ‘get’ what it is all about? Do we know who –
and WHERE – we are?
Some thoughts from Louie Giglio in a
talk entitled ‘I AM CHURCH’. He says that we are part of the reflection of
Jesus to the world. If we really GET Ephesians 2:1, then we will know that we
WERE DEAD because of SIN – HELPLESS to do anything about it because dead people
simply can’t do anything – they’re dead!
But, because God loves us, he made us ALIVE (Ephesians 2:4-5): not better,
not improved, but ALIVE. And so we came out of the grave to become NEW people (2
Corinthians 5:17) and we are now joined with him IN THE CHURCH (Ephesians
2:11), fellow citizens, members of God’s household (Ephesians 2:19). This is the Gospel – making us part of the
household of God – and is the HEART of the Church with Jesus as the HEAD. We
just make up the rest of the body!
Consider the images of church: a body; a
family; a household; a city; a country; a building
The Message says (Ephesians 2:19-20): That's
plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of
faith is now your home country. You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong
here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a
home. He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building.
He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation.
Now at home, in church, as church.
How do you feel about your church family? Does it feel like family?
The fellowship of the saints...
And it strikes me that our unity - our
oneness, our sense of community, our belonging as family - rests ON the
heritage of Peter and James and John and Paul...held together by Jesus.
This is different from the world.
Again, do we know who – and WHERE – we are?
In worldly life, we find our place in
a hierarchy of others. The leaders - the best, the cleverest, the richest, the
most successful - are at the top. yet Jesus is not some remote Lord and Master,
some distant boss whose business we aspire to work for or are employed by but are unsure how long we will be employed.
He is the CORNERSTONE: "... the first stone set in the construction of a
masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference
to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure."
Yet we are being built TOGETHER,
joined together, working together to form the church with Jesus holding us
An upside-down pyramid which cannot
totter and fall because of JESUS!
Does this feeling cut across the
denominations? Are there barriers? How
can barriers be crossed, or, better, removed? Thinking of Ephesians 2:1, how
can we ‘get it’ (the Gospel) better.
" “For
this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles—
2 SURELY you have heard about the
administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you,
3 that is, the mystery made known
to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly.”
Ephesians 3:1-3
If it seems like Paul has repeated himself a few times in your
reading this week, it’s because he has. Imprisonment couldn’t even waiver
him! I love the almost interruption of his speech in these verses. Was it
because he felt the need to repeat himself again? As if to say, “Wait, I want to make sure you get this… SURELY you have
heard. I’ve already said it, but this is good stuff. Remember
It would be easy for Paul to get caught up in the political
incorrectness of his message. What he has stated about the Jews and the
Gentiles becoming one in Christ caused HUGE ruffles and
controversy. I would have even understood if he was worried about his
image, or if he had a little pity party for himself because the whole thing
landed him in prison. Yet
he continues to keep his passion focused. He knows the ONE whom he is talking
about, and he can’t resist sharing the Good News with anyone who will listen.
I wonder how much more we could accomplish for the Gospel if we
focused on just that: the
Gospel. I fear that we often channel our energies
into so many different things that we lose sight of the real ministry that God
has called us to from the very beginning. We are bent on doing
Our own way.
Committed to all kinds of projects, organized ministries and lots
of good things, but
allowing division in the body and our own agendas to get in the way of why
Jesus came in the first place.
Just think of how effective we could be for the Gospel if we were
more passionate about the person – JESUS – than we were about the
Do you need to answer His call to return to your first love?
He is waiting patiently. Strip the unnecessary away. There is JOY in His presence. "
Thank you, Whitney! Let us be passionate about Jesus and passionate for His Church.