Thursday, 4 April 2013

Shifting into a higher gear - into the kingdom of God coming here on earth.

I'm listening to Louie Giglio preach on shifting gears, shifting our thinking to God's kingdom. Praying for 'YOUR kingdom to come, YOUR will be done.'  Praying for less of ourselves and more of God's. To be part of His promises and his work and to trust God to shift me into the future, not to 'die' in the desert and wilderness because I have not stepped into the future God has for me.
"Shift out of less and believe God for more." For God wants to lead me into a land of grace and hope, into his promises for me.
Then Louie says this: "We occupy our space with whatever has occupied us."

I have been occupied with resentment. With anxiety. With unforgiveness. With cares of the world - what to wear, what I look like, how much weight I need to lose.....
Ouch. Do I bring resentment or anxiety or unforgiveness with me?  That doesn't sound like being a 'sweet aroma' to those around me.

"But when Christ takes up His place in our lives, we start taking up His place in our space."  How? Not just by praying for others. but by being aware of who and where we are and praying for the people around us. To pray like Jesus prayed. To occupy space with prayer for Jesus.

I can pray for ANYONE and EVERYONE. For those I pass in the street. For acquaintances and colleagues. For the children in my class. For the parents and families.
To live intentionally and with purpose. To occupy my space in the kingdom. Now.

Interesting that, inbetween writing this post, another dropped in my inbox. Susan Lawrence talks about 'reapplying God'.
She says: "When you access God’s presence and provision, it immediately soaks in. God will use what He applies in your life in the areas of most need for that season or moment. He pours through you onto others. You don’t reapply God continually; He reapplies Himself onto and into your life. He is the giver, but you must be receptive. And you must be a giver, too. What He gives you isn’t just for you. When you completely yield your life to God, He uses your life and everything in it for His purpose and glory. Nothing goes unused. God knows just what you need and when you need it—again, not just for yourself but for those in your circles of relationships. God is unlimited. Trust Him to constantly give himself to you. Give yourself to Him....

Reapply something today. Wax your car. Paint your nails. Put ointment and new bandage on a paper cut. Keep it simple. During the reapplication process, ask God to invade your life with his presence. Trust him to provide what you need, then move on without questioning or doubting his provision."

And then she quotes Jeremiah 29:11-13: God says: "I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen.
When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.
Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” (The Message)

As Louie talks about leading us into a BETTER land, a BETTER life, a life of freedom and purpose in God, we consider our future in the next few years. Retirement looms. We know God has plans for us, but in the meantime we pray for change IN THE PRESENT.

Boy, I want that . I want to really LIVE in the PRESENT and see God's kingdom COME NOW.

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