Friday 4 January 2013

Choosing in 2013

Christmas is over, but the message of Jesus' coming isn't: because Jesus IS THE GIFT. Jesus IS Christmas. Jesus "still comes, no matter what. He comes to free us from the failure of our lives, from the broken promises that seem to define us. He says, ‘I saw you in your need. And I still see you. I am restoring all you thought was lost, all you have grieved and left behind. For with Me, all things are new.’” (Adapted from The God Who Sees You by Tammy Maltby)

And there is a lot of inspiration flying around regarding New Year's resolutions. I've never been a huge fan: after all, every day is a new beginning - but still, a new year is as good a time as any to take stock and revisit hopes, aspirations, aims and goals.

Tammy Maltby suggests a list of things to give up:

1. Comparison to others life gifts or things
2. Blaming anyone’s choices for mine
3. Controlling people for my comfort and ease
4. Unforgiveness towards others or myself
5. Excuses for the consequences of my choices
6. Unkindness towards anyone at anytime for any reason
7. Impatience with the process of life and weakness in others
8. Fear that God has overlooked me

And a list of things to embrace:
Trusting a loving God’s promises to take all that was meant for my harm and turn it to good. Peace.

Dear Ayla has reminded me how good and useful it is to choose one word for the year. Last year my 'one word' was kindness. Aka loving mercy. It was a good word to have. I think, on the whole, my kindness account appreciated in value. The word helped me to choose to respond kindly, even when/especially when I didn't feel like it.

Not sure what my word should be this year. Whitney over at Good Morning Girls chooses Christ, quoting Joshua's wonderful declaration “…then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
 Joshua 24:15. This verse has long been a personal and family choice.
Lisa chooses Jesus. I love how she says "one concrete goal is to live out a different discipline each month, beginning in January with Vision—The practice of waking up to God. To become more like Jesus, to love Jesus more, to love others more through Jesus.
I’m aware that planning can only be a rough draft for living, yes? How the Spirit will choose to blow through will surely surprise me, as he always does.
But with Jesus beside me and in me, even when it’s hard, it’s all good, and even when I can’t see it, it’s all grace. That’s Jesus."

Yet my word, in Jesus, has to be forgiveness. He is my example and my inspiration, my model and my hero. For he had far, far more to forgive than I. He did so with GRACE

So I am 'cheating' slightly this year. Yes, I want to add forgiveness to kindness. But I will only be able to do that with His grace. 

Grace. Gracious. Graciousness. Graceful. Grace-filled conversations. Grace-filled actions. Grace.

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