So, I managed to feel encouraged and discouraged all at once. It almost gave me a stomach ache.
But then I came across this blog entry by Layla of TheLetterCottage, quoted by Lysa Terkeust. All about a random act of kindness which was such a huge encouragement to her: "a great reminder that giving, and adding value to the lives of others is one of our deepest and truest purposes in life...we have found that the more positively we think and act, the easier is it to deal with life's wild pitches. Why? Because true peace and happiness can be found in providing peace and happiness to others."
And just now I have received an email from a dear friend with glad news: not only that they hope to visit us soon (SOOO exciting!) but also that they have started a church in a 'wasteland'. It's going well. How cool!
Now, that is definitely what I call encouragement.
Where are the smileys to add on here?