Friday 5 January 2018


Energy. Or lack of. Sometimes it seems so very hard to put on that bright face, to feel cheerful, to get on and do what oughttobe/needstobe done.

Blame the weather. Blame circumstances. Blame other people. Blame the dog.... but in the end, the Blame Stops Here. With me.

Sometimes, you just have to Do The Next Thing. Tidy the bedroom. Feed the dog. Switch on the computer. Make the coffee.

Sometimes, that works. It’s just enough to set wheels in motion, start rolling downhill before picking up momentum, fill loose sails with long-sought after wind after a period of endless becalm.

Sometimes, though, Silence and Stillness is what is needed. To return to the core of being, the essence of living, just sitting and breathing and remembering the Creator and the Gift of His Son is just enough to just fill me with gratitude and thankfulness and energy and delight, so much that I am motivated to leap up and Go Out and Serve because that is what He has created me to do. To just love and obey and carry on rejoicing while I still have breath.

Taking part in the weekly Five Minute Friday link up. Writing freely, without pause or edit (you can so tell!), for five full, short, minutes.


  1. Yup.. I really need to work on doing the next thing. Not all the things. Just the next one.. :)

  2. Thank you for your words!
