Monday 10 June 2013

Courageous choices

Quoting Thought for the Day by Lysa Terkeust over at Faith Gateway: "Making a courageous choice means walking on the path of discipline in the area of our food choices. It’s coming to the realization that changes need to be made — and making those changes in the quietness of the pantry, when no one else is looking.
You see, there are two kinds of courage. There’s the courageous act, which is what makes our heart beat fast when the knight fights the dragon or the firefighter rushes into the burning building. These are extreme events most of us won’t ever face. And because most of us aren’t put in positions to participate in a courageous act, we don’t necessarily think of ourselves as courageous.

But there’s a second kind of courage that is widely available but not widely embraced. It’s the courageous choice. This is the decision to do the right thing even when it’s unpopular, uncelebrated, and probably even unnoticed.

The right thing is to make healthier choices for ourselves. The right thing is to satisfy our deepest needs with God, not food. It’s the choice to walk willingly on the path of discipline in the area of our food choices. It’s coming to the realization that changes need to be made — and making those changes in the quietness of the pantry, when no one else is looking.

It’s respecting ourselves enough to be courageous for us.

It is possible to quiet the battle in your mind. It is possible to make the courageous choice. It is possible to stand in that pantry and declare you were made to consume food but food was never meant to consume you. It is possible to consume only that which will add to your health and not take away from it. It is possible.

So make that choice. And then make it again. And then make it again."

So as I struggle with forgiveness and fear and letting go, I need to remember to make courageous choices. I need to remember not to worry so much about being wise as to trust God.

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