Saturday 9 June 2012

Why I cried.

Sorry, whoever might read this, if you're expecting some earth-shattering disaster or even a long account of 'the straw that broke the camel's back'.
Yes, I might cry - occasionally - for such events. It's not, however, my default mechanism to cry.
Yet this morning, as I flicked through emails, I stopped to read this blog post from Renee Ronika Klug.
She's American. Living in America.
I'm British. Living in a tiny Crown Dependency which isn't even part of the UK. I suspect that the distance to her grocery store is possibly greater than the whole length of this island.
Different worlds.
Incredibly similar experiences.
As I read her longings to pursue God and connect in authentic community with other women, I recognised deep longings inside myself. 
Her words echoed so powerfully that...I cried. I wept, laughing, in delighted recognition.
As, over the years, I have sought God, longed for and experienced the Holy Spirit and yearned for true community, I knew that I had been to places - not here, not in America, but life places - where Renee also journeyed.
She offers hope and encouragement for people like me. Hope that yes,  it IS possible "to interact with God and other women like in the Bible—with intimate encounters that uncover our weaknesses and then clothe us with the strength of the Holy Spirit."
My prayer is that, like her, "my community of women will not be marked by the commonplace. Our lives will radiate from the brilliance of having risen above our circumstances, to reach out and rescue other women from their hiding places."
And yes, if any of my dear friends are reading this, I have already experienced this with you.
I'm just greedy for more. More kingdom living with like-minded women.
So I cried.

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