The media is filled with frenzy.
Imperatives are the new emperor.
Buy this. Plan that. Go here. Do. Do. Do....
Christians, succumb. Or struggle bravely
against the prevailing culture
while still shopping.
Me? Me too. But I
also choose to plunge
deep into the Word.
Daily Bible readings
doubled with Advent studies
and attempts at prayer.
Culture calls.
Holding my course
I hold the things of Christmas lightly.
Only Christmas correspondence
on the edges of my soul.
This time of year,
this time of reconnection,
where friendship feeds my soul,
bringing joys and sorrows
as I read of change and loss
in dear lives.
Shadows of the Saviour
fully like us.
I dare to think, like me.
Here, on this little page,
this tiny unnoticed corner of a vast world,
I share my thoughts with Him.