Sunday, 24 September 2017

Discipleship. Small groups. Thoughts and book notes.

Reading a book about small groups (Activate, by Nelson Search and Kerrick Thomas), and comparing it with Real Life Discipleship by Jim Putnam.

Key question: what is the aim of the church's small groups?  Friendship? or Discipleship?

  1. Think from the inside OUT, not from the outside in.
  2. Think larger, not smaller.  12 - 15 people, with a 20 person group membership.
  3. Think friends, not intimacy. Share deep things with only one or two closer friends.
  4. Think short term, not long term. 10 - 12 weeks only. What happens if/when people try to sign up for the same group (same leader) again?
  5. Think promotion months, not ongoing signups. Creates expectation/promotes commitment.
  6. Think church OF small groups, not with  small groups.
  7. Think easy, one-step sign-up, not hard.
  8. Think ahead, not behind. Start planning/preparing 3 - 4 months in advance.
  9. Think FULL STAFF PARTICIPATION, including the pastor. Every staff member should be in a small group (not together), either as group leaders or participants.
  10. Think apprentice, not expert. Have a 'deputy leader'. I do, you watch. I do, you help. You do, I help.. You do, I applaud. Let your potential leaders know that your small groups are discussion, not lecture, based. They are not teachers. (BSF model: the leader identifies potential future leaders who are invited to lead. )
  11. Think decentralisation, not staff control. Different types of groups eg sports, mums, etc Is there a key element of Bible study in all groups?
  12. Think leader multiplication, not group multiplication.
So: Focus, Form, Fill and Facilitate

Facilitating groups:
  1. Leaders are to be facilitators, not experts. Receive half a day Group Leaders' Training at the beginning of each term. Not necessary? Only for new leaders?
  2. Structure the first group meeting carefully
  3. Conducting week-to-week facilitation
  4. Conducting monthly/semester facilitation
What does it mean for us as a church?

People need to feel excited about belonging to a small group to help them in their spiritual growth.
People need to feel that belonging to a small group is KEY to developing their spirituality.
There needs to be momentum in the groups.
Groups need a life, but 10 - 12 weeks may be too short. Perhaps 'allow' signups in the same group for 1 - 2 years?
A 'covenant' seems too directive, but commitment is key.